Industry News

Sanitary stainless steel manways features and manufacturing points

With the continuous improvement of China’s economy, the pharmaceutical and food industries have also developed rapidly. The pressure tank manways used in the pharmaceutical and food industries are no longer sufficient for current needs, and there is a need to improve the use of sanitary SS manways.

Followings are characteristics of Likemetals sanitary stainless steel manways:

1. The pressure is moderate, around 0.3MPa, and the highest pressure is 1.0MPa.

2. clean everywhere, even those areas out of sight. Easy to clean both inside and outside.

3. Sanitary manways are lightweight, labor-saving, and easy to use.

So how to manufacture such sanitary stainless steel manways?

The following is an introduction to manufacturing points:

1. The gap between the hook lock and the bolt should be small to prevent the hook lock from being too large after the force is applied to the manways.

2. Using a spherical washer so that the bolt does not deform under the condition that the hook lock may have a small corner.